
Showing posts from 2014

Manifesto Diri

Labuhkan tirai hadapan Lebarkan segala harapan Agar tak hilang dahaga kelaparan Moga tak sakit semena-mena Derita perit tak mahu dirasa Mahu dibuang segala bisa Semua mahukan cinta Semua mahukan bahagia Semua mahukan senyuman bermakna Tapi pernahkah kita bertanya Takat mana kita usaha untuk semuanya? Mungkin tak pernah cukup katanya Tak lama pun aku ada Macam kamu aku hanya ada sementara Aku cuba juga berlari, terbang ke sana Kadang ada juga aku tersungkur Walaupun dalam diam, aku akur Walaupun badan kadang terkujur Zahirnya aku sihat, aku tahu Dalamannya hanya Allah saja tahu Omong seperti tahu setiap penjuru Tapi bukan aku cuma mengingatkan Semua pun ada aral dilalui bukan Semua pun ada dugaan Berbondong jiwa meronta masuk Mungkin aku keliru sungguhpun dikutuk Bukan nawaitu untuk menghiris rusuk Cuma mahukan nafas baru yang segar Untuk bersihkan ego yang tegar Agar diri ini tidak dipagar Aku bukan sebarang adiwira Seperti kamu aku juga hambaNya Ak

iris mata

Aku sering lupa Dunia ini bukan pasal aku sahaja Hidup dengan orang ramai Jangan kau buat perangai Semua pun sakit Bukan kau seorang Semua pun berasa perit Tapi tak perlu perhatian orang Dalam setiap kesakitan Sudah pasti aku juga menyakiti Dalam setiap kesusahan Pasti juga ada aku menyusahkan Pada yang masih teguh berdiri Kau memang istimewa Masih percaya akan diri yang rapuh Walau kadang menghilang tak dikhabar Pada yang lari tinggalkan aku Aku tak punya kudrat betulkan keadaan Aku tahu aku juga yang bersalah Tapi kau pun kena tahu kau juga ada salah Pada yang hanya tenung aku dari jauh Aku hanya macam kamu Darah sama merah, hirup oksigen macam kamu Jangan ingat aku lain, tak aku tak lain Aku akui hidup aku bergelora Selalu ada atas bawah tepi depan Aku pun ada buat dosa, bukan malaikat Aku pun masih merangkak belajar untuk hidup macam kamu, aku juga mahu peluang.


I felt warm at first Elated I am, was, had been I have no idea now Of what's happening Maybe I rushed In the hope of finding my purpose But I was wrong, again So I keep on walking With no specific directions Hoping I stumble upon my own motive

Middle Child Syndrome

Many tried bringing her down Ain't got haters trying to help her up All the chains were hung straight to the ground She was all messed up and still messed up Never occur to express, more to suppress All those grades she could ace them But never in the simplest matter She could act, dance, sing out loud She can never do what she's supposed to do Miserable as she already is Thinking she could hold them up But no she's a walking bomb Thinking she could have them all But no she's a greedy slave Somebody please tell her Please tell her That nothing stays forever Trying to cover up all the pain So she starts building to gain Keep dreaming for things to never be the same While she's trying to stay sane Her own pain is conking in her head All she does is stalling Never realize things never change Keep holding onto the grudge Keep protecting to think she's right But little did nothing proves she's right

Lost Planet

In certain circumstances Often Myself felt numb It is so overwhelming Nothing that I could hold onto For every misery could never be solved For every mishaps could never be explained I was left hanging In the trap I set since day one Hoping to get some space Praying for some miracle So that my lungs would never suffocate no more So that my skin would grasp every wisp of air I want myself back Oh Lord please


kalau ikut kata hati tak mahu aku ikut semuanya jiwa ini mahu lebih lagi meronta sekeras-kerasnya kalau ikut naluri semua pun aku redah kisah apa risiko tinggi tidak aku hairan ini jadah kalau ikut citarasa ingin saja aku lari jauh temberang dalam apa cara biar aku berlayar tanpa sauh karena aku juga punya rasa hati  yang ingin mengecapi fantasi.


you took the step, to be the saviour of others, when no one would have saved yours, nothing breaks your bones, you know very well, of the consequences, of the battles, wars, of the oppression, of the ruthless bloodshed, of the inhumane justice, and you took the step.

eye candy

the eyes sees what the heart wants to believe. I guess that's why everyone's the jury.

silent violation

if I could cry one more time I would cry for my pain for the pain I've inflicted upon for the things I've to suffer for the agony I've caused for the people I've lost for my pain. Sadly nothing can be changed now Even if my eyes bleed out and I'm sorry okay?

definite resolution

the world is already messed up for the living in it of course at times, I know how selfish I could be but what's the use of saving if killing is the solution? and that's why I choose to walk away.


it wasn't infinite nor forever though it was subtle I was moved to just be touched by the anxiousness you caused and I was kind of hoping You felt it too.

a decade

it's been years, and you still look like you, and you still sneeze when it's getting cold, but, when I, look at your gestures, listen to your words, catch a glimpse of your hazel eyes, only then I know, you've grown beautifully.

Autopsi Hari

kadang kita lupa ajal tak kenal rupa bila masa sudah tiba baru kenal tangis hiba kenapa kita dusta sedangkan yang benar sudah nyata kenapa kita tipu sedangkan hati busuk sudah tepu dalam tidak kita sedar walau secara ala kadar hidup sememangnya indah kalau adapun segala gundah walau hujan turun lebat sekalipun pasti akan ada hari yang terang jua.

pulling trigger

just a ripple in my heart and with that you've opened my eyes for the things I've been blinded before you've made me listen to the music I've been deafened before you've triggered my senses to a whole new level and for that I'm glad you came.

anonymous love

not for my looks or my brain or my stability that I want you to love me Love me for the monster I am for the misery I bear for my strengths, weaknesses for the beautiful things I didn't see in me if you can't then don't.

inevitable infection

I was diagnosed with some sort of sickness, I freaked out, not knowing what to do, So assuring you looked, and so I let you cure me, But all you did was giving me morphine, You know the pain is still there, You know I was dying, You know I know nothing. And yet You played make believe And my innocence fooled me.

is there patience ?

I can wait for you, a little while maybe, however, I, too don't have forever, time passes me by as well this is no happily ever after this is life and yes for every good things we're running out of time be fast enough or you'll drown.

First Mashup Ever

Bunkface Mashup Above is the link to my mashup video. Just click it to view it. I do hope you enjoy my piece :)


Somehow, when My eyes saw you My words get slurred My ears captured your resonance My hair stood up I taste your presence My heart's screaming Yearning for you To be it's muse

my tears

Those eyes made me believe in who I am today Those eyes is the last thing I want to look at Those eyes made me live today.


Before I get the phone call To every souls out there If you hear my deafening cry I beg you Love a little Just a little In case I don't get back in time I do owe you an apology.

bloody heart

I was beautiful You came for me Made me yours I was elated Then I'm caged in my devilish thoughts You got scared You left Then I realised You are the devil.


I don't want to be afraid anymore just please let me in store some faith in me I need you to believe in me please.


for once the noises got blurred the images got deafened and for this time you make me feel human.

distorted rainbow

life has always been a thing we work hard for a better life a richer life a more bearable life and time has consumed the good of us sometimes we turned monstrous to survive even devilish thoughts conquered us at the end of the day we're still sober and we would wonder why not happier?

swimming lies

just the thought of you drowns me into pools of confusion makes me indulge my torment deeper and deeper by day and honestly I'm exhausted truly I am.

hati degup kencang

adalah satu dusta kalau aku tidak takut adalah satu helah kalau aku tidak gentar tidak juga aku pasti siapa yang akan aku jadi nanti penglipurlara yang meluahkan rasa pembina angan mat jenin penulis yang telus mungkin tidak pun aku jadikan mimpi realiti atau mungkin sekadar hidup membabi buta siapa tahu selain Dia tapi yang pasti aku adalah sutradara filem aku memang hidup tidak indah tapi tidak semestinya ianya tidak boleh dipercantik atau diperelok aku sahaja yang mampu dengan izinNya.

such entertainer. much vain

I entertain for a living It's not much And I pretty like it It's not always sunshine Rain comes too sometimes If you want to be part of my freak show All you have to do is ask.

gatra hidup

Kalau esok aku hilang Kalau aku tidak kembali Lupakan dosa aku tolong Sebab aku pun tak berdaya lagi Melawan kudrat yang Maha Agung Lepaskanlah diri ini.


I am a liar I lied a lot Too much My feelings My insecurities My thoughts My personalities My characters For a second I don't even know what I'm fond of anymore I'm scared of the monster I've become I was, I am, Still.


Oh I almost forgot Like the world, you evolve too. And yes, I evolve too, just like you. I guess we're even now Truce? You wish.

party pooper

we always say people change in time. but, we forgot people have feelings and likewise they change too in time.


all of us are sick not physically I meant we are infected as if, we are controlled by another puppet master and we follow as it says the scary part is we are the ones who are not letting go of that sickness just that we suffer but we don't say.

my spark

you've ignited me it's like I cannot even contain the sparkle you've brought so long the wick's still there so long the flame is not eaten out so long the fuel does not run out till this date you've ignited me and I would never want it in any other way.

beating heart

my life has always been a battle, and I always win. I do win. like any other warrior, I lost too, one day, I was all alone, in the dark, my heart was shredded. then, you came by, glued my aching heart. and now, it beats again, but this time, even louder than before.


if nothing comes in between if things are simpler if no one interferes if I could I wish to show you my universe if and only if


you are my blue yes you are you see, I like the colour blue as a matter of fact I love it. in you I found peace I found bliss I found laughter just for a second I thought I can finally feel normal again then, shits happened just like that in you I discovered sadness I discovered sombre I discovered depression just in a second I let this exhaustion caged me again you were my blue yes you were you see, I like the colour blue as a matter of fact I love it.


Wherever you might be Whenever you thought of it Bear in mind The thing you live in is always in motion never ever occurs to it to stop or take a short break while time is ticking do what you must or you should, if you live in fear for things never happen the same way twice.


You've got this thing You love it will achingly endure anything to keep it safe irregardless of how it reacted towards you that does not even lessen your affection only just you can retain the love you've always had She's got this thing Funny you should ask she never ask for it nor look for it But its love for her is ocean's deep only Lord knows how Just merely taking a brisk walk to change things a lil bit, they say And the next thing is, That thing just got snatched Just like that.


I guess things are different now, Way different than what we used to have, as if, if we were ever had a thing. I don't want to suffocate myself anymore, You see, I just realised, Something peculiar yet common these days, Just the thought of you drowns me, Into pools of confusion, makes me indulge my torment deeper and deeper by day And honestly, I'm exhausted, truly I am. I would never hate you, I mean why hate somebody who once made you the happiest? Exactly my point. I always see you, anytime, anywhere And yes, I miss you. I hope that you're doing fine, really because I would like to see you at your best, even without me. I'm all good. :)

Loved Ones

Not very near to perfections , neither close to distortion Just , only just Near to accommodation Of myself May seems blurry at first But Sooner or later As you come closer To that point where everything matters Then you'll realise These are the things That will make you who you are now Period.


Do you know what sucks? Being called stupid for believing in what you're most passionate about. Here's the thing, people never ever going to understand on how we understand things. And it is fucked up because they expect us to meet the expectation they gave upon us, but do they realize they're asking too much from us? I mean, what more of me they want to rip off? My soul? A soulless girl, that's it. They are asking too much, too much I say because by default, it's us that we ought to be, not what they want us to be. You don't like weddings? Then you shouldn't come to weddings.  You crave for ice cream? Go and have it, just fuck that amount of calories you're going to take in. You're in love with a guy you just met at the bar? So be it.  True love doesn't have to have a limit. Whatever you want to do, just fucking do it. Because once you made something up, I solemnly swear that there is no turning back. This is no school, where you fucked up a tes

No Forever

Have you ever fall? into something unexpected  but at the same time you crave for more of it. And one day that something you're falling into slowly fades away. You're alienated at first. Then you feel the void in your heart, you'll start blaming everyone for your own fate. At the very moment, when that something is not catching you anymore you break, into pieces. You're shredded. Oblivion is inevitable. That hurts a lot but also very true. Sooner or later, when you're no longer there, there will be no longer you filling the vacancy. Maybe, in very little possibilities the emptiness will be felt, or will be replaced by someone else but that's life, ain't it? In the time we have the time we can grasp reach out for your heart march proudly for what you believe in screw those haters, they ain't worth it anyway unlike fairy tales you don't have any ev

Find a new chapter.

Moving on is not that you have to completely forget about him/her. Sometimes you just have to move on because you know deep down they can actually live without you. And sooner, you will have to because life is in motion. You move on and live your life as well. You don't give up on someone you love. You just don't. You just let them live their life without having you being an important part of it. I'm not saying it's easy, but I'm not saying it's hard either. You just gotta find the purpose of living on your own, not by having someone by your side around the clock. Just by being you. "You don't stop loving just because someone walked away from your life. It's like you stop breathing just because you got cut."

Wishful Thinking

People say, to feel pretty One should not have scars nor marks on one's face. I guess That's why I pushed you away to avoid breaking this fragile heart to pieces. Because I don't want to leave any marks nor scars. Like any other girls I want to feel pretty too. But, I was wrong wasn't I ?

All the best in life little kid.

It's okay It hurts now Maybe it's gonna hurt a little bit longer No doubt But I know You're gonna make it Not because I want you to It's because that you need to. You need to know you're beautiful Not because of him, her or anyone else But it's because you are. So, go, fly away Find a beautiful life out there Remember little kid You're your own warrior Go and win your battle I know you can.


So here's to the kids whose minds are their own prison up at one in the morning wondering about the failure of a test they barely got any sleep for up at two in the morning wondering about where they messed up on a love that they could have had up at three in the morning wondering about how easy they made it for someone to walk in and out their lives not the kids simply wondering what to wear to a party next day but the kids who could not even put themselves out there the kids wondering where the ones who promised to be there are. these kids they pretend like nothing happen when in fact it is ripping their hearts out no doubt they feel the vacancy inside it is eating them out from the inside but they choose to live with it because deep down they know if this were to happen to someone else they simply won't make it and for that these kids ought to feel proud after all heartaches they manage to stand as who they are even if it means walking w

Simply Because.

Dear girls, who are not always pretty who are not likeable who are struggling to find themselves who always try their hardest to be pretty who always feel stupid for loving someone who never loves her back who are always sick of their feelings who always feel inferior who always appear stronger than she should be who always get things wrong who suck at playing game of love who wish they are better who weep for nothing who cry when reading a melancholic novel who help others unconditionally who try to lift someone else up who always get offended by others who are good at not telling your heart out who always give in for fifty-faced jerks who always accept flaws by motherfishcrackers who always get their butts kicked who looks for a non-existent companion when they are sad who hug their pillows hard, wishing it was someone else who cries till their tears dry to sleep I'm truly, deeply sorry For the things you've to go throu

Bukan hidup untuk mati

Nafasku berat ,  Tercungap-cungap, Aku nampak mata, Aku nampak hati berkecai, Aku bukan tuhan. Aku pun tak sempat nak kira bintang-bintang, Sebab aku sibuk, Mungkin aku ni terlalu lemah, Sangat lemah sampai selalu semput kat tengah jalan, Aku tak cukup kudrat, Sebab hakikatnya , aku pun sakit, Tapi sakit aku , kalau boleh ,  Aku tak nak orang lain rasa, Pedih tahu? Tapi, Kat dalam diri aku ,  Aku selalu ingatkan, Ada orang lagi sakit dari aku, Ada manusia yang lagi perit, Ada makhluk yang terkapai-kapai nak hidup, Takpe aku boleh survive , walaupun aku tengah semput, Walaupun aku struggle, Walaupun aku terkial-kial, At least aku tau , aku masih hidup, Hidup dalam alam aku sendiri pun takpe, Sebab orang lain ada masalah jugak, Takkan nak selit aku yang tengah semput nih, Biar jiwa ni meronta-ronta, Asalkan aku hidup lagi , walaupun aku sorang sorang, Takpe, Jiwa aku kan kental , dah banyak kali kena sental, Dah banyak ka

This Girl is on Fire

You fall ? Well , you're not the only one. At some point , everyone will face disappointment. Yes , things happened , as a lesson for you , Trust me , never give up. Look up and have faith in Him. He knows you better than you know yourself , He wants you to be closer to Him. He believes in you. Whenever you feel down , whisper to yourself , This is just a setback , I'll make a comeback. It is never too late to improve. Yes I do believe in that. I have to Because If I don't , then who will? Step it up , like you always do.

No worries.

People find it's ridiculous when you talk about reaching for the stars. People mock you when you dream of the impossible. People say you won't be able to get it when you're on the verge of failing to get what you want. People bring you down when you're trying so hard to lift yourself up and they just watch you failing. The thing is , people never get us. They never do. They only judge on what the y see. The thing is , people don't see what we see. Their vision will never resemble ours. The thing is , people always think they're right , even when they're obviously wrong. The thing is , people always feel intimidated when others have bigger dreams and ambitions. Well , I say that's their problem to handle. You have nothing to worry about. 

A glance of my past.

When life knocked you hard , be strong enough to get up and move on. Tell yourself to be strong and live life. You made a mistake. So what? Anyone could've made that mistake. Someone else could've done worse.  Others might not believe in you , they may have lost faith in you. They might have judged you wrongly. So what? That's their problem to deal with. You have every right to ignore those nons ense. You are who you are. They can't force you to change for them. Your friends may punished you and hate you. They claimed to say that you've changed towards negativity and they hate you for that. Well as a matter of fact they don't know that you're just battling to find your own self at that moment. For that , your friends left you alone. So what? You still got your family. You still got yourself. And most importantly , you still have Him , He is the One who never ceases to believe in you , to let you breathe everyday so that you can be better. He , the Almighty.

Get a life.

A change. That's all I need. A positive change of course. I'm susceptible to mistakes too. To change is hard , when you're not moving on. Don't live in your past. It may haunt you more than ever. #truestory

No regrets. Just love.

Many times have occurred to me That I've always question About why people treat me this way Treat me like I'm not important Treat me just for necessity purpose Then I've wondered What if I'm not good enough? What if I'm not humane enough? Well that doesn't answer anything at all " What you give , you get back" " Life is karma" "What goes around , comes around" Sounds familiar? In some circumstances We can apply this But Again Where is the sincerity if we really refer to the quotes? Throughout my life ( bajet mcm lama je hidup haha ) The most important thing I've learnt Never give up on your loved ones Even when all hopes are gone Never give up on your family Never give up on your friends Ohh when I say friends , I mean those who really matters Bukan yang jenis tikam belakang ehh haha okay back to my point They may be wrong at times They may got distracted They ma

" You gotta have faith right? "

I felt warm Warmer than usual Elated I am ,  Was , Had been ,  I have no idea now ,  Of what's happening Maybe I rushed ,  In the hope of finding my purpose ,  But Again I was wrong. If it's meant to be ,  it'll be ,  InsyaAllah