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Moving on is not that you have to
completely forget about him/her.
Sometimes you just have to move on because
you know deep down they can actually live without you.
And sooner, you will have to because life is
in motion. You move on and live your life as
well. You don't give up on someone you love.
You just don't. You just let them live
their life without having you being an
important part of it.

I'm not saying it's easy, but
I'm not saying it's hard either.
You just gotta find the purpose of living on
your own, not by having someone by
your side around the clock. Just by
being you.

"You don't stop loving just because
someone walked away from your life. It's
like you stop breathing just because you
got cut."


  1. Thanks. Finally, my soul shall rest in peace ✌


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