No regrets. Just love.

Many times have occurred to me
That I've always question
About why people treat me this way
Treat me like I'm not important
Treat me just for necessity purpose
I've wondered
What if I'm not good enough?
What if I'm not humane enough?
Well that doesn't answer anything at all

" What you give , you get back"
" Life is karma"
"What goes around , comes around"

Sounds familiar?
In some circumstances
We can apply this
Where is the sincerity if we really refer to the quotes?

Throughout my life ( bajet mcm lama je hidup haha )
The most important thing I've learnt
Never give up on your loved ones
Even when all hopes are gone
Never give up on your family
Never give up on your friends
Ohh when I say friends , I mean those who really matters
Bukan yang jenis tikam belakang ehh haha okay back to my point

They may be wrong at times
They may got distracted
They may change
They may be bad
They may be different than yourself
But do remember this
They are not evil
They're just humans
They're not perfect
Like us they make mistakes too
And it's our responsibility to tell them they've wronged
Not judge them instantly nor punish
Humans , we do need love , don't deny that
Don't live with regrets , you will suffer
Just learn to love for what they are , not for what they have
No regrets , just love.

Hoping for a change , 
Nusrah Razak,


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