rojak hidup.

Dah 20 tahun hidup, baru aku sedar mekanisme hidup ni macam mana;

Dah 20 tahun hidup, baru aku sedar hidup ini tidak akan pernah lama pun;

Dah 20 tahun hidup, baru aku sedar benda akan sentiasa berubah;

Dah 20 tahun aku hidup, baru aku sedar semua pun ada tarikh luput.

1) Hidup ini memang tidak senang, tapi tak susah juga, kalau kita cuba untuk hidup. Cubalah untuk hidup. Bukan untuk glamour, bukan untuk kekayaan, tapi untuk mencari keredhaan. It's okay. Life is always in motion, things are always changing in life, do not be afraid, because you'll never get anywhere if you're still afraid. Be brave, not for your friends, not for others but for yourself. At least make your parents proud because they have prayed so much to get you in this world. They are the reason why you can make it to the world. Not many can feel their presence you know.

2) Hidup ini kita akan jumpa macam macam orang, either we can learn from them or make mistakes with them. Selalu kita complain aku ni takde kawan, forever alone, but are we truly alone? No. You've got people around you. Be nice. Be open. Be kind at heart. Be friendly. Then insyaAllah friends will come to you. Yes. People tend to leave us behind or walk away without any words. Maybe they have their own reasons. You cannot blame them entirely. Maybe you're not as good as you think, so improve lah. To be honest, many people come into and walk away from my life; some I regret, some I felt sad for, even some I cried for, but at the end of the day, I'm glad there are some people willingly stand by my side to prove those who left me wrong and thank you for that.

3) Hidup ini bukan untuk memuaskan hati semua orang, tapi sebenarnya untuk mencari motif hakiki. Kenapa aku cakap macam ni? Sebab benda ini betul, sooner or later, as you grow up, I hope you guys will get this. I used to be a believer where my life,my rules. As I grow up, then I realize not everyone comprehend the same things as you do. You see, everyone has a different opinion about life, Some live to get excellent results, some live to be filthy rich, some live because her mother told her to, some live to find their own purpose, too many reasons. So, do not judge. Leave the judging to Him, because as much as you want to deny this, you do not know everything. Period.

4) Hidup ini bukan untuk kita jadi sempurna, tapi untuk kita belajar agar kita tahu makna hidup. Memang lagi lama kita hidup, lagi rasa macam kita banyak buat salah kat orang, kat parents, kat diri sendiri. Rasa dosa tu makin bertimbun ya ampun. Sebab makin kita tua, makin banyak benda yang kita boleh nampak. Dan banyak benda yang kita nampak tu menakutkan kita sebenarnya, cuma kita tak sedar, sebab semua rasa hidup ni complicated. Betul lah tu. Jadi, belajar lah untuk menerima hidup kita seadanya. Bukan semua dapat apa yang kita dapat, bukan semua jugak diduga macam kita.

5) Hidup ini bukan ikut rasa hati, bukan ikut rasa sedap juga. Hidup ini dah ada manual cuma kita tak guna betul betul.  As for me, Al-Quran and Sunnah is my guidance. Have you found your guidance yet? Then go and find your guidance. You will be very much needing it. Kalau rasa tak tahu, ringankanlah mulut nak bertanya. Tak salah pun. Walaupun kadang kadang macam annoying jugak orang tanya banyak kali, tapi jawab je lah kalau kita tau. Tolong diri sendiri and insyaAllah kita akan boleh tolong orang lain. Ilmu kan pelita hidup. Belajarlah selagi mampu. Kalau tengok kat Palestin, budak budak kat sana nak sangat belajar, tapi kita ni nak bangun solat Subuh pun merangkak-rangkak lagi, nak pergi kelas awal pagi lagi lah liat. Jadi, jangan jadi bodoh sombong. Kalau dah tak tau, pergi menuntut ilmu. Ni pun untuk aku juga. Nanti bila dah tua, jangan sesali benda yang kita tak buat masa kita ada kudrat lagi.

6) Hidup kita tak lama pun, sementara je. Bila dah terasa jahil, cari lah jalan. Jangan tunggu hidayah, sebab hidayah takkan datang kalau kita tak usaha. Yes. Akan ada ramai yang mengulas tentang diri kita. Tapi itu hak diorang, takkan nak marah kot. Just keep on improving themselves. You know why? Because the ugly truth is, those people who talk behind your back, they do not really know what is going on, it's tricky because they talk, act, speak as if they know everything in the world, when actually they don't even know what's wrong with them. So yeah, be dynamic with your life. Then you'll be happy insyaAllah.

7) Hidup ini perlukan usaha. Dulu, aku percaya akan talents, gifts and what not. Yes, some are blessed with talents, but with zero efforts, trust me, these people are going nowhere. Memang sakit kalau nak usaha, tambah tambah lagi kalau dah jatuh tersungkur dan terperosok, luka dalam hati tu memang masih merah dan berdarah, tapi tidak bermakna kau kena biarkan luka tu jadi nanah, cari lah ubat. Memang ubat tu kadang menyakitkan, tapi kalau dah itu jalan yang terbaik, just do it. Kalau sakit tu dilayan, lama lama kau akan jadi gila, tak keruan dan sesat dalam hidup. Dah sakit cari lah ubat. It is so simple like that.

8) Hidup ini tak selalu indah. Ni ayat cliche, Yes. Many people always say it. But you won't know the pain until you yourself have to bear with the pain. When you're in pain, search for help. Do not expect people to understand you because no one can understand yourself better than you do and of course, Allah is the Best. If you think you are not reliable, then rely on someone who won't die through time and space, Allah SWT. He is your creator, surely He knows what's the best for you. Remember, there are reasons why He tested and blessed you with so many things.

9) Hidup ini kau tak boleh lari selama-lamanya. Ada masa kau akan merangkak, kadang mengesot, sebab kau terjatuh. Bila dah jatuh, jangan meraung. Bangunlah balik. Cari kekuatan nak bangun. Sebab bila kita jatuh dan kat bawah, kadang kadang kita akan terlupa dengan yang di Atas, sebab kita sibuk mengadu palatnya hidup ni. Jangan hilang talian hayat hidup or also known as doa. Berdoalah. Kalau boleh 24/7, so that kau tak abaikan hak kau sebagai hambaNya. Doa itu memang senjata. Betul ni. I am not lying.

10) Hidup ini kalau tiada berkat susah sangat. I am a believer in blessings. I have lived this long because of His blessings. Because today I have survived through lots of obstacles; physically, mentally and emotionally only because He never ceases to believe in me and keep on giving me blessings though I know I never ever deserve them. Through the tears, sweat and blood I have shed, never ever Allah failed me, I am the one who always disappoint Him, not to mention I have disappointed lots of good people as well, like my mama, my abah, my sisters, my friends and the list goes on....So please, given any opportunity, pray for blessings. Pray for others too. You'll never know they need prayers more than you need them.

May Allah bless you people.
Have a great day ahead.

Selamat Finals UTPians.
Selamat Berjihad semua.
Selamat Survive.

Selamat Hidup Nusrah.


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