tears in the AM

we often complicate things in life
I reckon
if we just tell people what exactly it is
we would not be that confused
we would stay present
not worrying
when doubt comes caving in
with droplets of fear
we tend to succumb to the comfort
of not knowing
or worse

for hesitation comes dropping by
there's nothing
but a hollow space
with the hope there is a glimmer of hope
that everything would work out
but we already know the outcome
don't we?
why not take a leap of faith?
why stop believing in dreams?
why never knowing is a good thing?
your conscious answered
I am afraid
it is easier not knowing than being lost
it is easier to not be hurt than living with the pain
then your subconscious said
what if it works out?
what if your fear is nothing but an illusion?
what if your dreams come true?
what's it going to be then?
only fate will tell huh?

I believe everyone deserves to be happy,
even those who have wronged us, they deserve to be happy.
So I leave no bigotry behind,
at most sympathy but only because they
cannot fathom my idea of happiness.


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