
been a long time eh?

It's funny how I used to write
in telling all my stories
as if I want the world to know
what I am up to
when now I do not feel the need to pen everything here down.
maybe because social media has their ways
to entice me to join the cult
and yes I am charged guilty.

as I'm sitting at a cafe
typing this
I just realised
everything just flashes in front of my eyes
in an instant
it took me almost 25 years to come to this realisation
insane huh?

all it takes is just a heartbreak
to open up to so many possibilities
I guess that is true
in my case that is
not proud of it
but I own it

here's few things I feel like telling

1. Everyone is unique, regardless age, ethnicity whatever categories there is, each and everyone of us is special in their own ways, which ultimately means no one is really special. Makes sense? Yea it does. No one is really different from you because the truth is everyone have their own struggles, I may not struggle like how you do but I have my own struggles and I am sure you have yours too. In your life, you may have come across someone who faced the very same mishap you are facing right now, so yea you are not that special too kid. But, there lies the magic. You can either learn from it or run from it which either way, will affect you as well. So, no big deal. Just that you are responsible on how people look at you, so do not go blatantly blame anyone for what you are feeling right now. You are your own feelings. Period.

2. You do not have to tell everyone your truth. So, you may ask, what is your truth? I would like to define it as something that truly defines me as a person even when there is no one around, only me and Him. To be straight down honest, only He knows my truth, no one else, not even me. Maybe sometimes I get confused with myself too. Here's the catch, no one will ever know who you are unless you profoundly define them. How to define them? This is an analogy I can introduce you to; you saw someone cute and you find yourself catching a glimpse of that person every now and then, you feel curious, you want to know that person even more, everything that person does attracts you more and you feel this need to familiarize yourself with that person. Now, what would you do? The norm would be to ask that person out for a coffee and spend some time with that person. Same goes to yourself. No one actually said this to me before, but, I'm just going to say it here. For you to know yourself and define yourself better, you need to spend some time with yourself. Find your happiness, your inner voice, your inner peace and your frustrations as well. Then, you will realise that the essence of yourself is either full, semi-full or worse, void. My advice, go and find something to make it at least semi-full. Why? I'll save this for later.

3. Choose to be the bigger person. Always. No, not be big as in size you fool. Be the one to dodge the bullet and not make a scene when there is conflict. If I were to say this in front of my close friends, they'll freak cause me as a person is not calm at all. But, I'll say this humbly; do not react for temporary satisfaction for something so small that you can actually avoid dealing with and make peace with it. According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. For everything that happens in your life, there ought to be reasons behind it. You cannot control on things that happened in your life eg job retrenchment, spiteful breakups and so on. However, you can control on your reaction. Your reaction actually defines who you are as a person. It tells what kind of thinking you have. I'll break it down even more. Your reaction tells how you steer yourself as a person which then reflects your heart and exposes you as a person; whether you're the devil or angel. So, be the bigger person. I am no angel but I can promise you being the bigger person helps me to grow as a person. I love physics, in fact that is the very reason I pursue engineering, so most of my life principles revolves around law of physics. The reason why I love physics is due to the fact it explains logic in the most indescribable way that sometimes we fail to apprehend. But that is just me. I believe there is an acting force upon things that occur everyday. You can find so many reasons but I would like to focus on the good ones. One of them is for every kindness you convey, the return will be of equal, if not, more than you give. Unlike physics, miracle happens once in a while and most of the time there is no basis of it, it just happened. I cannot really explain why cause I just know? LOL so the gist is be the bigger, better person. Why? Because you owe this to yourself.

That is all now.
In another time, I'll write more. (^_~)


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