
Showing posts from 2018

adulting? yea

wow that long huh? everything happened so quick I can't even I guess this is life Funny thing you should ask am I still writing? yes, I still do however as life is taking over you're constantly on the pace no I stand corrected you're constantly trying to cope with the hold of things you tend to forget what you're used to be I can't remember the last time I composed keys on the piano I hope my ukelele is doing justice for me as impossible as it sounds I beg to differ (not!) the melody the harmony oozed out of me I slowly forgot what I used to do hopefully the grip is still there even barely just a tad bit so that this girl will not forget her roots even in fresh air she still sees the ground as the same so here I am writing a bunch of nonsensical thoughts though unrelatable you ought to know I'm doing fine great actually just missing the carefree girl that I once knew of wee bit hoping she is still there I hope I pray


I never ask to be stuck in between. I just want to be free. All my life, in my heart, for 16 years, all I ever wanted was to be free. Free from this house, free from this feeling, caging me from the inside without anyone ever noticing. I. Want. Freedom. I tried being the best, in everything so they could be proud of me. They can say, hey, isn't she something? I studied hard. Tried being the best help. I got involved in so many things, just so they could be proud. When the D-day comes, I made it. Ya Allah, I finally made it. I got it. The victory sunk in a while. I was very proud no doubt. No doubt. Just when I thought I could be free, then the prison caged me in. Once again, I am trapped, and it's hard to get out this time for I see no escape. Even if I was the best. So I stopped trying. What is there to try for? I did try but what did I get? Nothing. Nothing at all. I am always chained. It's okay, you'll get the rewards later on. Who else is going to do it?