
Showing posts from December, 2014

Manifesto Diri

Labuhkan tirai hadapan Lebarkan segala harapan Agar tak hilang dahaga kelaparan Moga tak sakit semena-mena Derita perit tak mahu dirasa Mahu dibuang segala bisa Semua mahukan cinta Semua mahukan bahagia Semua mahukan senyuman bermakna Tapi pernahkah kita bertanya Takat mana kita usaha untuk semuanya? Mungkin tak pernah cukup katanya Tak lama pun aku ada Macam kamu aku hanya ada sementara Aku cuba juga berlari, terbang ke sana Kadang ada juga aku tersungkur Walaupun dalam diam, aku akur Walaupun badan kadang terkujur Zahirnya aku sihat, aku tahu Dalamannya hanya Allah saja tahu Omong seperti tahu setiap penjuru Tapi bukan aku cuma mengingatkan Semua pun ada aral dilalui bukan Semua pun ada dugaan Berbondong jiwa meronta masuk Mungkin aku keliru sungguhpun dikutuk Bukan nawaitu untuk menghiris rusuk Cuma mahukan nafas baru yang segar Untuk bersihkan ego yang tegar Agar diri ini tidak dipagar Aku bukan sebarang adiwira Seperti kamu aku juga hambaNya Ak

iris mata

Aku sering lupa Dunia ini bukan pasal aku sahaja Hidup dengan orang ramai Jangan kau buat perangai Semua pun sakit Bukan kau seorang Semua pun berasa perit Tapi tak perlu perhatian orang Dalam setiap kesakitan Sudah pasti aku juga menyakiti Dalam setiap kesusahan Pasti juga ada aku menyusahkan Pada yang masih teguh berdiri Kau memang istimewa Masih percaya akan diri yang rapuh Walau kadang menghilang tak dikhabar Pada yang lari tinggalkan aku Aku tak punya kudrat betulkan keadaan Aku tahu aku juga yang bersalah Tapi kau pun kena tahu kau juga ada salah Pada yang hanya tenung aku dari jauh Aku hanya macam kamu Darah sama merah, hirup oksigen macam kamu Jangan ingat aku lain, tak aku tak lain Aku akui hidup aku bergelora Selalu ada atas bawah tepi depan Aku pun ada buat dosa, bukan malaikat Aku pun masih merangkak belajar untuk hidup macam kamu, aku juga mahu peluang.


I felt warm at first Elated I am, was, had been I have no idea now Of what's happening Maybe I rushed In the hope of finding my purpose But I was wrong, again So I keep on walking With no specific directions Hoping I stumble upon my own motive

Middle Child Syndrome

Many tried bringing her down Ain't got haters trying to help her up All the chains were hung straight to the ground She was all messed up and still messed up Never occur to express, more to suppress All those grades she could ace them But never in the simplest matter She could act, dance, sing out loud She can never do what she's supposed to do Miserable as she already is Thinking she could hold them up But no she's a walking bomb Thinking she could have them all But no she's a greedy slave Somebody please tell her Please tell her That nothing stays forever Trying to cover up all the pain So she starts building to gain Keep dreaming for things to never be the same While she's trying to stay sane Her own pain is conking in her head All she does is stalling Never realize things never change Keep holding onto the grudge Keep protecting to think she's right But little did nothing proves she's right

Lost Planet

In certain circumstances Often Myself felt numb It is so overwhelming Nothing that I could hold onto For every misery could never be solved For every mishaps could never be explained I was left hanging In the trap I set since day one Hoping to get some space Praying for some miracle So that my lungs would never suffocate no more So that my skin would grasp every wisp of air I want myself back Oh Lord please


kalau ikut kata hati tak mahu aku ikut semuanya jiwa ini mahu lebih lagi meronta sekeras-kerasnya kalau ikut naluri semua pun aku redah kisah apa risiko tinggi tidak aku hairan ini jadah kalau ikut citarasa ingin saja aku lari jauh temberang dalam apa cara biar aku berlayar tanpa sauh karena aku juga punya rasa hati  yang ingin mengecapi fantasi.


you took the step, to be the saviour of others, when no one would have saved yours, nothing breaks your bones, you know very well, of the consequences, of the battles, wars, of the oppression, of the ruthless bloodshed, of the inhumane justice, and you took the step.

eye candy

the eyes sees what the heart wants to believe. I guess that's why everyone's the jury.

silent violation

if I could cry one more time I would cry for my pain for the pain I've inflicted upon for the things I've to suffer for the agony I've caused for the people I've lost for my pain. Sadly nothing can be changed now Even if my eyes bleed out and I'm sorry okay?

definite resolution

the world is already messed up for the living in it of course at times, I know how selfish I could be but what's the use of saving if killing is the solution? and that's why I choose to walk away.


it wasn't infinite nor forever though it was subtle I was moved to just be touched by the anxiousness you caused and I was kind of hoping You felt it too.

a decade

it's been years, and you still look like you, and you still sneeze when it's getting cold, but, when I, look at your gestures, listen to your words, catch a glimpse of your hazel eyes, only then I know, you've grown beautifully.

Autopsi Hari

kadang kita lupa ajal tak kenal rupa bila masa sudah tiba baru kenal tangis hiba kenapa kita dusta sedangkan yang benar sudah nyata kenapa kita tipu sedangkan hati busuk sudah tepu dalam tidak kita sedar walau secara ala kadar hidup sememangnya indah kalau adapun segala gundah walau hujan turun lebat sekalipun pasti akan ada hari yang terang jua.

pulling trigger

just a ripple in my heart and with that you've opened my eyes for the things I've been blinded before you've made me listen to the music I've been deafened before you've triggered my senses to a whole new level and for that I'm glad you came.

anonymous love

not for my looks or my brain or my stability that I want you to love me Love me for the monster I am for the misery I bear for my strengths, weaknesses for the beautiful things I didn't see in me if you can't then don't.

inevitable infection

I was diagnosed with some sort of sickness, I freaked out, not knowing what to do, So assuring you looked, and so I let you cure me, But all you did was giving me morphine, You know the pain is still there, You know I was dying, You know I know nothing. And yet You played make believe And my innocence fooled me.

is there patience ?

I can wait for you, a little while maybe, however, I, too don't have forever, time passes me by as well this is no happily ever after this is life and yes for every good things we're running out of time be fast enough or you'll drown.

First Mashup Ever

Bunkface Mashup Above is the link to my mashup video. Just click it to view it. I do hope you enjoy my piece :)


Somehow, when My eyes saw you My words get slurred My ears captured your resonance My hair stood up I taste your presence My heart's screaming Yearning for you To be it's muse

my tears

Those eyes made me believe in who I am today Those eyes is the last thing I want to look at Those eyes made me live today.


Before I get the phone call To every souls out there If you hear my deafening cry I beg you Love a little Just a little In case I don't get back in time I do owe you an apology.

bloody heart

I was beautiful You came for me Made me yours I was elated Then I'm caged in my devilish thoughts You got scared You left Then I realised You are the devil.


I don't want to be afraid anymore just please let me in store some faith in me I need you to believe in me please.