
Showing posts from June, 2015

tiada yang sebaik dirimu

Langkah demi langkah Aku susur tanpa jemu Kerna mungkin berpatah Namun kau tak pernah jemu Biar aku meronta pergi Kau masih teguh berdiri Meski kadang aku terlanjur Takkan kau biar aku terkujur Nikmat dunia kadang mengaburi Lalu aku terkinja-kinja berlari Mana mungkin kau halang Walau aral tinggi bukan kepalang Tak makan cukup garam Tetap aku mahukan segala apa Sabar kau walau kadang tergeram Berharap aku tidak terus alpa Dalam diam aku tahu Dalam sunyi aku rindu Dalam amarah aku mengaku Tiada yang sebaik dirimu.

Ramadhan Ya Kareem

I am scared truly I am every year it gets tougher it gets harder complicating things even more for I have seen things so much that all the images became blurry I knew this would come it is just a matter of time struggling I am to keep in pace with reality. I am no hero nor superhuman got defeated too sometimes when lust drives me nuts the senses ain't conking me in the head and I got swayed to astray good thing I had my own call the gist of it is I become stronger in the end nothing else matters except on how do you see Him Let me get things straight here; 1) We are always afraid- it is only normal if we are afraid of something, may it be your own downfall or uprising, still you are afraid. 2) We tend to forget the good when things gone bad - even I do this sometimes. My mama told me the key to feel good is to see the things we ought to be grateful for. It works, really though I am still working on it. 3) We advise better than we should - it is not a r

Oh you

She believes in dreams that high She wants more than what she could give Nothing compare to a generous world Again she is deceived The world is not like what it used to be It is corrupted, dirtier than before People wipe dirt with sandpaper They stab when they meant to kill Love is all it takes To make living worth her while Showering every moments to be cherished Too soon to know nothing stays forever Man has a thing for beauty Only by nature we are magnetized To just realise beauty fades Once we witness the downside Now Are you still beautiful? Oh you.

pretty poem

we knew nothing back then just dropping by to notice strong I was, yes for support, you came to me I was a wrecking ball you saw that coming so you made me bounce just so I know ups and downs of life we climb hand in hand not that smooth we head on trying to rediscover inner self when at times we lost too nothing to spare I admit more things at stake than own's interests we took some perilous risks to get where we are now.