
Showing posts from November, 2014


for once the noises got blurred the images got deafened and for this time you make me feel human.

distorted rainbow

life has always been a thing we work hard for a better life a richer life a more bearable life and time has consumed the good of us sometimes we turned monstrous to survive even devilish thoughts conquered us at the end of the day we're still sober and we would wonder why not happier?

swimming lies

just the thought of you drowns me into pools of confusion makes me indulge my torment deeper and deeper by day and honestly I'm exhausted truly I am.

hati degup kencang

adalah satu dusta kalau aku tidak takut adalah satu helah kalau aku tidak gentar tidak juga aku pasti siapa yang akan aku jadi nanti penglipurlara yang meluahkan rasa pembina angan mat jenin penulis yang telus mungkin tidak pun aku jadikan mimpi realiti atau mungkin sekadar hidup membabi buta siapa tahu selain Dia tapi yang pasti aku adalah sutradara filem aku memang hidup tidak indah tapi tidak semestinya ianya tidak boleh dipercantik atau diperelok aku sahaja yang mampu dengan izinNya.

such entertainer. much vain

I entertain for a living It's not much And I pretty like it It's not always sunshine Rain comes too sometimes If you want to be part of my freak show All you have to do is ask.

gatra hidup

Kalau esok aku hilang Kalau aku tidak kembali Lupakan dosa aku tolong Sebab aku pun tak berdaya lagi Melawan kudrat yang Maha Agung Lepaskanlah diri ini.


I am a liar I lied a lot Too much My feelings My insecurities My thoughts My personalities My characters For a second I don't even know what I'm fond of anymore I'm scared of the monster I've become I was, I am, Still.


Oh I almost forgot Like the world, you evolve too. And yes, I evolve too, just like you. I guess we're even now Truce? You wish.

party pooper

we always say people change in time. but, we forgot people have feelings and likewise they change too in time.


all of us are sick not physically I meant we are infected as if, we are controlled by another puppet master and we follow as it says the scary part is we are the ones who are not letting go of that sickness just that we suffer but we don't say.

my spark

you've ignited me it's like I cannot even contain the sparkle you've brought so long the wick's still there so long the flame is not eaten out so long the fuel does not run out till this date you've ignited me and I would never want it in any other way.

beating heart

my life has always been a battle, and I always win. I do win. like any other warrior, I lost too, one day, I was all alone, in the dark, my heart was shredded. then, you came by, glued my aching heart. and now, it beats again, but this time, even louder than before.


if nothing comes in between if things are simpler if no one interferes if I could I wish to show you my universe if and only if


you are my blue yes you are you see, I like the colour blue as a matter of fact I love it. in you I found peace I found bliss I found laughter just for a second I thought I can finally feel normal again then, shits happened just like that in you I discovered sadness I discovered sombre I discovered depression just in a second I let this exhaustion caged me again you were my blue yes you were you see, I like the colour blue as a matter of fact I love it.


Wherever you might be Whenever you thought of it Bear in mind The thing you live in is always in motion never ever occurs to it to stop or take a short break while time is ticking do what you must or you should, if you live in fear for things never happen the same way twice.