
Showing posts from May, 2015

greatest gift?

knocking on every senses I've got still I choose to smile that broad though nothing seem possible trying to believe anything plausible some things I just learn to not care for they do not posses any leftover flair he said to never give up love it is the greatest gift from the Above mysteriously it made you exposed all make it easier to be I suppose it is the aftermath you should be afraid not many can think while being laid you decide to let it open boy were you wrong? or maybe you can let it be because life is learning trying to grasp the true meaning when everyone is at their loss I was sitting there, blankly I'm afraid because I once saw the past that haunts me forever.


How would it be If I took another step Will I still be here? He knows that for sure Contemplating is all I'm good at Never to do anything with this crappy habit of mine Disgrace! Expecting fulfilled interest Yet not a sweat or wee tear And here I am still sitting waiting to be sure of what is unsure.


Masih mencari? Mungkin. Masih kesunyian? Mungkin. Masih keliru? Mungkin. Masih berduka? Mungkin. Masih percaya? Mungkin. Masih berharap? Mungkin. Masih dambakan? Mungkin. Masih memberi? Mungkin. Masih tertipu? Tidak mungkin lagi. Terima kasih sang pencinta Ada dakwat juga di hujung tinta


dalam hidup sehari-hari kita lupa fakta hakiki walau gagah mana kita berdiri tetap semua berlaku atas Ilahi kadang tak indah mana adakala terasa merana ingat semua ini fana hanya akhirat menanti di sana dikarang bukan mau bermadah tiada sebarang wujud helah cuma ingin sampaikan pesanan kerna diri ini perlu peringatan