
Showing posts from November, 2013

Pray. Believe. Try. Wait

" I seldom end up where I wanted to go , but almost always end up where I need to be." -Douglas Adams If you want something , Pray to Him , Because desired things come to those who pray , Dare to believe in getting it , Because best things come to those who believe , Try your best to get it , Because better things come to those who try , Wait for it , Because good things come to those who wait. Often we forget to go back to basics ; Everything around and within is bounded to al-Khaliq , We complained , We moaned , We mourned , We felt sad , depressed , Just not getting what we desire. Well , It's not that you don't deserve to get what you want , It's getting it at your best and your worst , It's not Allah hates you , It's just that He knows you more than you do , In fact , He created you. Put it this way , For every setbacks in your life ,  Remember , Allah has a comeback for you. It sounds nice right? I know. Haha Live you