
Showing posts from March, 2013
Assalamualaikum Bila kita baru sedar Yang kita sedang digunakan Sakit ouh Dah lah digunakan oleh orang yang kita percayai Pastu yang paling best Dia masih tak minta maaf Walaupun dah sedar dia yang salah Macam kentut je kan? And do you know what's worst? When we have to act like nothing happen Oh Goshhhh I hate it when I have to do that SERIOUSLY Yes All of us have our strength and weaknesses Yes Sometimes that one person can give you so much you can take But That cannot be a reason for you to use that one person That cannot be a reason to belittle others with Kalau dah tak puas hati Cakap straight  Don't go belok belok K Bye

Dear Self


Alhamdulillah. All praises to Allah SWT

Alhamdulillah All praises to Allah SWT I'm grateful for who I am today I'm grateful for what I have today I'm grateful for the things Allah SWT blessed me with Amin

Tawakal :)

Yes It's a lie to say I ain't nervous Yes I am scared Yes I'm having jitters currently Yes I do hope all my efforts paid off Yes I want the best But Who doesn't? There's nothing you can do now Except for praying and tawakal Yes Crossing my fingers for the best  SPM 2012

Tired But Fun

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Been tied up lately Oh Yes I choose to be tied up with things So Basically , I have to bear it Come to think of it It is tiring Too much pressure to handle Juggling between so many things is hard too But , it hits me again I CHOSE THIS I need to face this with the strength Allah blessed me with I need to give my best shot in everything I commit InsyaAllah May peace be upon you too.